Green Philosophy is young, immature, unbalanced, emotional and most of the time hysterical.
It seriously lacks rational thinking, it’s completely focused on itself and compares best to a narcissist personality.
Green Alert wants to become the safe space to escape the green madness that has an unhealthy grip on so many of us. Nothing else seems to matter anymore, life is getting crazy complicated and expensive, everything seems to be put aside for a greener good that is presented as some kind of heaven on earth. But we already are on earth and we live now but it seems to lack too much joy and happiness.
Green Alert is of the opinion that we should regain control over our green mania and get our feet back on the ground with images, texts, cartoons and video’s that shine another green light on reality.
A Neil Oliver interview with climate alarmist dissected by Paul Burgess shines a clear light on the climate craziness going around like the plague: